Full-Body 15 Minute Home Workout
There are many days, especially in the beginning of Fall when schedules feel packed and new, when I just can’t find the time to get to the gym, or to a workout class, or get a run in. Sound familiar? But often those are the very days when I feel like I need to move my body and sweat a bit or I’ll go crazy. This is how I take care of myself amidst the chaos! While grocery shopping, biking kids to and from school, and working is draining, there is always a plus to elevating our heart rate, challenging our muscles, and breaking a sweat. In a workout zone of not thinking and just moving for yourself, you can gain some peace in your head, lower your cortisol levels, shed some calories, and get a better night’s sleep. A busy packed day will do maybe none of this- so don’t make excuses not to fit in a home workout!
On these hectic days, in between all the other stuff that needs to get done, I whip out my yoga mat, throw on some sneakers, turn up my music and take 15-20 minutes to challenge my body while settling my head. I have a better outlook for the rest of the day because of it.
I have many short, easy, home workouts I do, but here is my most straight forward one that is accessible to all, works your whole body, chills your brain, and can even make you sore the day after.
3 (or 4!) SETS OF:
70 jumping jacks (full body cardio!)
10 push ups (works your triceps, chest and core)
30 squats (works your glute and quads)
1 minute of forearm plank (core, arms, shoulders)
Jacks: these are pretty straight forward. You’ll get more out of them if you increase your speed and use full range of motion by clapping your hands over your head and extending both legs out in a full V shape.
Push ups: are HARD. Proper form of a push up is to have your back FLAT the entire time. Your butt does not rise up into a down dog nor do your hips sink down low to the ground, dumping in your lower back. If either of these things happen when you do a push up, modify! You can do push ups on your knees or you can find a piece of furniture that is solid and grounded for you to put your hands on, such as the side of the couch, and do them on a diagonal.
Remember: hands are directly under your shoulders and your elbows should not splay out at 90 degrees to avoid using only your biceps (and not your triceps and core) and tweaking your shoulders. So tuck them in towards your body!
Squats: proper form requires your knees to stay behind your toes every time you squat. This means you extend your hips back before you squat and then bend your legs. Make sure you can see the tips of your toes in your squat position to protect your knees!
You need to get your quads AT LEAST parallel to the ground- ideally lower if you have no knee issues- in order to work your quads and glute enough get anything out of this. If you aren’t sure if your butt is going low enough, put a low chair behind you and make sure you touch it with you bootie every time you squat.
Do NOT bend at your waste when you squat. This is not a hip flexion exercise. Keep your shoulders up and your heart and chest open as you bend your legs.
Forearm Plank: This is pretty straight forward. Make sure your back remains FLAT while you hold. If you cannot hold with proper form for a minute, no problem, just come down and rest and then get back into it for the remainder of the minute. With time you’ll work up strength to hold this longer and longer!
Try this mini workout this Fall on your busy days to increase strength, cardio ability, tone, tighten and shed. Sweating will also increase your seratonin, decrease stress and clear your head. There’s NO down side! Go for it.
xoxoxo katia