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Wellness Coaching

As a Board Certified Wellness Coach I incorporate Nutrition, Mindset Shifts and Goal Setting to support all parts of you in one-on-one coaching sessions.

A holistic, whole body and mind approach to coaching will give you the tools to habit shift, inspiration to make better choices, science to understand food and your body, motivation to break old habits, and accountability to change, reach your goals, and STICK TO THEM!

Take Your Next Step:

Programs start at 6 session packs with weekly or bi-weekly sessions via zoom as well as resources, meal plans, recipes, videos, and emails as needed.

** I also love working with adolescents so if you have a teen or tween who you think might benefit from a supportive wellness coaching program, please let me know!


As a personal trainer I incorporate functional fitness, strength training, yoga, pilates, barre and cardio into my sessions that are tailored to your specific body and needs.

Each session can vary and we will work together to help you reach your goals of becoming stronger or more mobile or more flexible or all of these!

I focus on core strength, proper alignment, and injury prevention in all of my sessions and help you understand your body so that you can take care of it better and increase quality of life.

From an advanced athlete to a beginner, we can work together to create a program to benefit your individual needs.